Thursday, February 12, 2009

Take a breath and be thankful

Did you ever have one of those days where you are made aware once again of the blessing it is just to be alive? Last night, a dear friend had a tree fall on her car and was trapped inside the car. Miraculously, she survived with no serious injury to her body. In another part of Indianapolis, another friend had a generator running through the night and her baby boy woke up screaming with a very high fever. They called 9-1-1, and now the entire family has been admitted to the hospital for carbon monoxide poisoning. The baby's cries saved all of their lives.

Both of these incidences could have easily produced far more devastating results, but for reasons we don't understand, God spared them. I'm thankful this morning for His provision and care over them, but I'm also reminded how short our time on earth is and that we don't know when we will take our last breath. It has reinvigorated me not only to be right with God and seeking His will for my life, but also to share with others while I can.

If there's someone you're supposed to talk to about Christ and what He's done for you, don't wait until tomorrow. If the Holy Spirit has been tugging at your heart and telling you to say something, don't put it off another day. As we tell our kids, obey immediately and with an attitude of joy. Maybe the tugging at your heart has been to surrender your life to Christ. Don't wait. You really just don't know about tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

I ran across your site through facebook actually. I just wanted to elaborate on something you said. You know in Indianapolis alone about 400 people die a week. More than likely a very vast majority of these people die without accepting Christ. What if we as Christians even spoke with one person a week! with as many Christians as we have in Indy that would cover the 400per week that are dying! Anything later than now is far too late.

I feel that the Spirit is on the move...people are being touched and lives are being effected. Jesus is calling us to Himself for what I believe to be an amazing outreach. I have been through a lot of hardships and trials in the last year that would make a LOT of people curse God and die. What people dont understand is that God is FULL of mercy and grace and is so eager to extend it. But it is our fault people dont know this. Sorry I'll get off my soap box now but I just want to encourage people to not waste time...surrender yourself and let God use matter what the matter how is so rewarding, and I can testify to that.

Higher Ground said...

Amen to that! What a great goal. Just 400 people in Indy sharing the gospel with 1 person each week. Then if that was done in every city...Wow, what a difference it would make in the world! Keep sharing this, and so will I. Let's motivate our brothers and sisters in Christ. And may it start with me.