Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Denise's Dailys

Holy time travels, Batman! This summer has completely flown by. I can't believe it's August 18th-my birthday by the way :) My last post was in June. The main reason for the delay was we've been on the road most of July and August. God has given us safety, good health overall, and many opportunities for ministry over the summer. I'd like to share just one story from the many stories from the summer so far and lessons learned from this story.

Just last week we were at a family camp and had taught the kiddos some during the week as well as leading the adult worship times and doing a concert. In our concert, we did a skit called "Pray About it" that goes through several family circumstances and how no matter what the situation, big or small, we should take our needs to the Lord together as a family. Later that night, Jadyn fell and hurt herself (while running around like a crazy girl I'm sure), and a little boy trying to comfort her looked around at the other kids and yelled, "We need to pray about it like they said in their skit!" Wow! It really got through. I wonder how many adults "got" the lesson and actually will apply it like that. We have to pray about everything, and we need to take it to God before we talk to others. My initial instinct in the past whenever something would happen was to call Robbie or my mom, but I became very convicted that God wanted to be FIRST! That means we go to Him FIRST whether it's good news, bad news, a little situation, or a huge boulder of a problem. Try it for a week. Go to Him first about everything. A pattern will slowly develop. It also helps me keep my mouth shut a little better and think before I speak.

Thanks for checking this every once in a while. BTW, please share on here. I'd love to hear from you as would others who read this. I've met several folks lately with great stories to share about how God is working through the trials He's placed in their lives whether it's an autoimmune disease or their house burning to the ground. Please share here how God is working in YOU. We can all learn from each other. If you think you're the only one who's going through or has gone through something, you're wrong. We can help each other.